Over the last few months I have been working on a little project to make Linq ‘come to life’ in two full size posters that developers can hang on the wall of their offices. The Linq posters demonstrates the usage of all Linq operators using visual sequences of female and male figures. Since this week the final result is ready and can be ordered in Print / Downloaded from our website http://www.infosupport.com/linq free of charge!

So why create a Linq poster?
Since even before C# 3.0 got out, a lot of articles and blog-posts have been written describing Linq. Most of these start with explaining the new C# language features: like extension Methods and Lambda expression and then explain how Linq is built on top of this, usually followed by the basics of comprehension syntax and the deferred execution model. What most of these articles don’t do, is give you a good overview of what is in the box, by that I mean the complete set of 50! operators that make up the Linq vocabulary. To really get all out of Linq that is in it I believe you should have a good sense of the available operators, because the real power of Linq is in it’s complete set of operators.
That is why we decided to create a set of two poster to visualize all available Linq operators (we could not fit all operators on a single poster at a reasonable scale). Each operator is demonstrated using a little sequence of colored female and male figures like the following example.

If you would like to decorate your office (or bedroom) in Linq style, visit our website http://www.infosupport.com/linq to get your copies.
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